Strong career choice: clinical data managers.
Clinical data managers are a type of statistician. These professionals are tasked with applying their knowledge of healthcare and database management to analyze clinical data as well as to identify and report trends. College students who plan to work with numbers may want to consider this career path, one that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has said has a bright outlook.
Clinical data managers are responsible for developing data management plans in a variety of areas including data coding, recording, data loss as well as workflow processes. These managers design and validate clinical databases, design forms, process clinical data, initiate quality control audits, supervise staff, work with peers and develop instructional manuals and produce guidelines.
According to the BLS, 91 percent of all clinical data managers have a bachelor’s degree. The remaining workers have at least some college education, including an associate degree. Job prospects should have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics or survey methodology. Previous job experience and/or a master’s degree can be beneficial.
Clinical data managers should also possess a variety of skills and abilities. These individuals must be able to read and understand reports and convey that information to their peers and underlings. Managers must be adept at time management, decision-making, reading, writing, speaking, active listening and critical thinking. Attention to detail, integrity, analytical thinking and adaptability are among the work styles required for this position.
As of 2013, the BLS reports a medium wage of $79,290 for clinical data managers. On the bottom end of the pay spectrum these professionals may earn from $44,300 per year. On the higher end of the pay spectrum wages may come in at about $128,400 per year.
Salaries, of course, vary from state to state. In California, for instance, the medium annual wage for clinical data managers comes in much higher than the national average. The BLS says that the average salary in the Golden State is $99,100 per year. On the lower end of the pay spectrum, salaries in California come in at $56,700 per year; at the higher end of the pay spectrum the average pay is $153,500 per year. Visit the BLS website for additional state data.
Job Outlook
The BLS includes clinical data managers among those career paths that it sees as most promising. As of 2012 there were 28,000 people employed in that field. The BLS has forecast for 22 percent or higher growth rate from 2012 through 2022 with 16,100 projected job openings. The rate of job creation for this field comes in much higher than the 10 to 14 percent average the BLS has forecast for all jobs.
Clinical data managers might also consider related occupations. These include: actuaries, economists, survey researchers, mathematicians, market research analysts, financial analysts and computer systems analysts. The pay range for these fields offer average salaries from the mid 40s to just over $100,000 per year.
O*Net Online: Summary Report for: 15-2041.02 – Clinical Data Managers
US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook — Clinical Data Managers
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